Wednesday, April 20, 2011

grammar nazi

this will probably sound cocky and annoying. you've been warned.

in this day and age, when you decide to speak out in the social media using languages other than your first language, you're usually forgiven if you make mistakes.
for example, you can say something in french and get away with grammatical errors.
but this might not be the case for english. english is an exception. english is THE exception.
major grammatical errors PISS THE HELL OUT of me. and many other people.
but to be fair... sometimes errors are just accidental. sometimes i make minor mistakes in english too. especially if it's 3.42 in the morning and i haven't had sleep for a while. but major mistakes are just... i can't even...
so please, for fuck sake, learn a little grammar before blabbering on about something. 
because honestly, shit becomes 10 times shittier with awful grammar.
and some are gonna say.. "oh but they can't be blamed if they aren't that good in english..."
i can't blame you if you don't have enough resources to be able to speak flawless english. but if you can afford a blackberry, know how to use twitter... and especially if you're studying abroad. no matter where.
i'm begging you.

p.s. yes, i did go through this a couple of times to make sure i didn't make any errors myself. 


  1. WOW! your post will remind me to revise all my posts next time.

  2. naww your english is okay champ, jonas told me your english is a lot better now compared to the first time you were in singapore, so that's an improvement, and that's really good :)

  3. waduh dea galak juga.hahaha :D (Y)
