Sunday, July 29, 2012

brown eyes, black heart.

i havent been posting much on here. most of the time, i have shit ton to say, but i forgot about this special little platform that could've served a better purpose than sitting around collecting dust from the memories that remind me of how stupid i could be/was/still am.

first of all. i can finally say im starting to get into some hardcore.
im still a beginner tho, please dont go br00tal on me for not liking Terror or shiz.

some other songs worth checking out despite not being in the hardcore genre per se:

been on an experimntal-ish vibe and these are great songs so yeah:

Oh btw David Sedaris is an amazing writer. I have a feeling I might turn into someone like him when I get old. (Still) awkward and confused and helpless. Hopefully I'll also be somewhat successful, with a nice sum of money to my name, of course.
On a sidenote, I fancy disturbing things, if you havent realised it yet; I enjoy disturbing stories, books, movies. Damn it Palahniuk. Look at what you did to me. I'm such a special little snowflake, I know. That obviously makes me better than you, like duh.

Many times, I just feel like giving up trying to understand people and how they behave a certain (annoying) way. But man. I shouldn't forget my own selfish reasons. It's all part of the divine masterplan, isn't it? Isn't that what they say? Wait, it's not? 

I did something I shouldn't have with someone I shouldn't associate with any longer last week. But what the hell. It didn't mean anything. To me, at least. To you, may be another case worth analysing. For the moment, I'm quite content just watching you from my seat, smirking over your fall, being schadenfreude and all that jazz. This will come biting me in the ass sometime, so I better prepare iron pants to match my iron heart.

Oh, that's right, I dont particularly have a  heart.